An Ear In The Form Of The World Bank President at G8

Finally someone with a little ear at the top listens to the pleas of the people. Based on reports, the World Bank President Robert Zoellick called on the rich countries to revise their policies as it relates to the use of biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. This appeal was made at the three day G8 summit being held in Japan. The issue of rising food prices and food shortages were some of the key issues to be addressed in the talks.

Biofuels compromise food production in many ways. First of the two main ones is that most biofuels are made from corn and other grains. The grains by themselves normally fill the roll of being used as direct food in their many processed forms for humans. In addition, it is used as feed for the animals which we depend on for food. Secondly in the case of non grain ethanol, the feedstock (raw material from which ethanol is made) is grown on land which could otherwise be used to plant other food items.

I think they should have realized this problem much earlier and reacted more swiftly. However this was not the case. We are here at a stage where most people having lost their jobs, have to go home and sit and watch while being plagued by hunger. But since people always say there is no use complaining about spilled milk, I take a more positive note. I hope the leaders heed the suggestions and act quickly so that more people can be relieved of the increased burden.

With the creation of new technology such as the new water for gas campaigns, I hope people will catch on quickly to it as well as the other technologies that will help to reduce the need for fossil fuels and biofuels. To run your car with water, it requires the use of a homemade water or hydrogen fuel cell that can be placed in cars, thus enabling vehicles to run on more water and less gas. Cool isn’t it.

You can get the water fuel cell kit here!