10 General Energy Conservation Tips For The Home

Here are some general tips to conserve energy and keep cool at home:

1. Try to ensure that your freezer and refrigerator are as full as possible. If necessary place bottles of water in the extra spaces. When the freezer is full it will take much longer to heat up especially when opened therefore keeping the motor off for longer and effectively saving energy.

2. Replace old refrigerators and other appliances with new EnergyStar approved ones.

3. Vegetation is one of the best sources of shading given to man. Plant trees on the west and south side of your building to reduce the amount of heat it absorbs.

4. To reduce some of the work done by your air conditioner ensure that barbequing is done on the outside where possible.

5. Install low flow shower heads and fix pipes and faucets that are leaking, this saves water and conserves energy which is used to pump water.

6. Laundry can be done efficiently, use either hot or cold water for washing but be sure to rinse with cold water.

7. Drying clothes on the line outside can save more than using a dryer. Use a line when possible.

8. Unplug appliances when not in use. Most appliances tend to consume energy even when they are turned off.

9. Unplug chargers when your phone or whatever other batteries you are charging is finished. Over charging reduces battery life and the connected charger will drain electricity.

10. Turn off lights when they are not being used especially those with multiple switches.

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